Comprehensive Plan
On January 9, 2019, the Byron Town Board, by a unanimous vote on Resolution #30, acted to adopt the Revised Comprehensive Plan. As noted in the resolution this Plan was adopted as presented by the Comprehensive Plan Committee. The Town of Byron published its first Comprehensive Plan in 1993. This document represents the first update to that plan. The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to guide growth and development in the Town in order to protect the quality of life and ensure the Town of Byron remains a desirable place to live.
Another important purpose of a Comprehensive Plan is to put the community’s vision for its future on the record. Any development proposal or action, whether private or public, should take into consideration the Town’s vision as articulated in the Plan, and attempt to be consistent with these stated priorities. An adopted Comprehensive Plan provides an accessible and clear guide for entities seeking to undertake a project in the community. It provides them with a better understanding of what the Town is likely to approve and the types of actions that are preferred. It also provides the Town with greater leverage to have an effect on planning activities and programs instituted by other governmental authorities, such as the County or New York State agencies, who are required to take local plans into consideration.
An adopted Comprehensive Plan shows a commitment on the part of the community toward a shared vision for its future. This commitment can be helpful in seeking governmental assistance for projects that help move the community toward that vision through the form of grants.
Finally, a Comprehensive Plan helps the community recognize what is important about the Town. It identifies what is important to protect, support and encourage, and what elements of the Town need to be improved. It provides a clear assessment of where we are now, vision on where we would like to be, and concrete recommendations and strategies to help us get there. Not all elements included in the plan will be achieved, but the Plan contains a source of potential solutions to problems or issues that may arise in the future.
Document available for download:
Town of Byron Comprehensive Plan